

If you want to write a movie but don’t know where to start, we can help.

If you have a screenplay but don’t know how to finish it, we can help.

If you want to be a writer but feel you’re not ready yet, we can help.

Let us

  • Guide you through the process of writing.

  • Get you from the first “Fade in” to the final “Fade out”.

  • Give you access to thirty years of writing experience.

Do you?

Have a notebook full of ideas, unfinished, half baked?

Feel frustrated at not succeeding?

I can help you finish that calling card script and show you how to breakthrough writer’s block.

Be the hero of your own story and finish that script.

Become a writer.

At the end of this course you will…

Have that calling card script that you can pitch or sell.

Clear the backlog of ideas.

adopt a process that allows you to develop those ideas to get the results you want.

Call yourself a writer!

What to do next?

It’s as easy as…

  • Book your course

    It all starts by making that leap and taking that first step

  • Save the date

    Awesome. Now you’ve mede the booking be sure to put it in your diary.

  • Become a Writer

    Let’s start this journey together.

Need to know more?

I’m a writer; have been since 1992 when, after winning a few writing competitions and having a few sketches staged at my local theatre, I wrote and produced my first play called Icarus’ Dream. It was about two guys who longed to be somewhere different, live another life. Then followed The Wind Netters, a treatise on luck and odd socks.

Since that I’ve worked steadily, writing for TV, Theatre, Film and Radio so I know how to tell good stories and get projects finished. Then back in 08 I was offered a job as a writing tutor at my local University and asked to design writing courses. That’s when things really took off and I realized I had a deeper calling. I realized that I could help people like you, people who wanted to write but didn’t know where to start or, sometimes more importantly, how to finish their stories.

I want to emphasize that what I’m offering isn’t an easy fix though, the steps, when you look back will seem easy. I want to emphasize that what I’m offering will get you to where you want to be, but it means putting in the hours, doing the work. I want to emphasize that stories don’t write themselves; they need to be shaped.

Like the sculptor who chips away at the marble until the statue reveals itself so the writer must draft and redraft their work until it speaks to them.